Floating Logos
These images were created by photographer and digital imaging artist Matt Siber. I found them to be eerily compeling because they suggest these symbols of coorporations and thus the coorporations themselves to be beyond our understanding and have attained a god-like status. His artist statement sums this up precisely.

"...this common phenomenon in our landscape, the removal of the poles also adds some conceptual layers. As floating sculptures in the sky, the images could allude to religion, spirituality, the supernatural, or even the popular science fiction concept of superior extraterrestrials. The mysteriousness of these concepts furthers the idea that these signs represent something that is just beyond our control and understanding yet affects us in significant and important ways."

"...this common phenomenon in our landscape, the removal of the poles also adds some conceptual layers. As floating sculptures in the sky, the images could allude to religion, spirituality, the supernatural, or even the popular science fiction concept of superior extraterrestrials. The mysteriousness of these concepts furthers the idea that these signs represent something that is just beyond our control and understanding yet affects us in significant and important ways."
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